Kevin McColly

CEO, Coinstar- An Apollo Management Group Portfolio Company

“Avery’s coaching has been a critical part of my success over the last year. I first engaged with Avery as I was transitioning from CFO to CEO. In addition to all the normal stresses of a CFO to CEO transition, the company was dealing with a distressed debt situation, adding more complexity, and requiring me to play both roles for several months. One area of focus for me, particularly early on with Avery, was my mindset. Stepping into a first-time CEO role can feel overwhelming, especially given the circumstance. Avery was an invaluable resource in helping me navigate all the fears and doubts that can come with stepping into a new executive role in a difficult environment. Avery provided me with real, tangible tools for emotions I experienced as a new CEO.

Another strength of Avery’s is her ability to adapt to my needs on a week-to-week basis. As the mindset work required less focus over time (thanks to her coaching) the coaching topics took on a broad range. Avery can adapt well to a variety of business situations. Whether it’s org design, Board of Director guidance, or challenging me on a strategic business decision, Avery’s experience allows her to quickly pivot and address whatever topic you may need to focus on.

I highly recommend Avery for any executive coaching need, but especially for one taking on a new role in the C-suite.”

Jeffrey S. Jacob

SVP, Finance & Administration, New Jersey Performing Arts Center (NJPAC)

“I had reached a point in my 25+ year career where I felt I had lots of great experiences and skills developed through a number of roles and industries. However, I was missing a sense of satisfaction in my work. And, more importantly, I was struggling to identify that next step to coalesce all I felt I could offer into a more expansive senior leadership role where I could truly impact an organization. As I got serious about solving this professional conundrum, I reached out to Avery. She had established herself solidly in this space and I had often seen her posts on LinkedIn which suggested (and later confirmed) that her approach and expertise were what I needed.

Once Avery understood my goals and what I hoped to accomplish working with her, she methodically set out to help me identify what energizes me personally and professionally and to surface and define my interpersonal likes and dislikes. She developed a systemic but highly customized process to evaluate opportunities as they presented themselves so I could find a true fit and not just an opportunity that I thought I could “make work”. Through working with Avery, I came away with a better sense of my true self, a focused approach to finding the right job for me, and an ability to understand my professional environment and point to those things that work and those that do not. I ultimately identified and secured my current position and while it is still new, I am able to go to work energized and optimistic that this could be what I have been seeking all along. I want to thank you Avery for helping me learn who I am and how to best deploy the best of me.”

Katie Sherwin

Managing Director, Deloitte

“I was skeptical of hiring a coach when I started considering a career change and needed a fresh look at my experience and resume - I'd worked across industries in a variety of roles and wasn't quite sure what I was looking for next. If I couldn't articulate what I had done and where I wanted to go, how would an outsider understand and guide me? But after just a few sessions with Avery, I had the clarity and confidence to kick my career transition into full gear. She probed on my motivations and challenged me to answer questions about what was important to me and what I wanted out of my career - in a very natural and non-coachy way. Her style is full of grace and humor, her advice and understanding of today's job market is solid, and her process is effective.

Within weeks I had two strong offers - both executive level leadership roles - and truly found myself in the drivers seat of my next move. From exploration to preparation to negotiation, my journey was efficient, painless, and successful thanks to Avery's guidance along the way.”

Peter Addei

Music Production & Independent Financial and Investment Consulting

“I chose to work with Avery because of her background in investment banking and strategy consulting, as well as her style of providing bespoke guidance and strategy for senior executives that are navigating change. With powerful dexterity, she supported my efforts to unearth certain buried talents, align goals to my mission and purpose, and successfully execute key steps in a major career pivot. She brought invaluable, rigorous perspective to the importance of my mindset and its direct impact on my direction. Avery always provides a safe coaching space free from judgment and full of grounded positivity. She is a very inspiring coach, constantly reflecting truth back and generating profound, transformational clarity. I trust Avery’s versatile coaching process and I look forward to continuing coaching with her in the future.”

Jenny Durham

Founder, Grasp Hold

“With the support of Avery’s guidance and encouragement, I embarked on a path that led me from the confines of a corporate position to the exhilarating, yet terrifying, world of entrepreneurship. From our first session, Avery was able to dive deep into my passions, fears, and ambitions. She gently nudged me outside of my comfort zone, and together, we formulated a step-by-step roadmap to successfully launch my own company.

Avery will ignite your potential, guide you through uncharted waters, and then she’ll celebrate your victories as if they were her own. Today, I am living the reality that was once a dream. My new company has not only taken off but has grown beyond my wildest expectations.”

Sarah Amann

Principal, SK8 Management Consulting

"I first reached out to Avery for coaching to help me make decisions to accelerate and fine tune my career in Strategy Consulting. Even though we had never met before, she responded to my message right away and we set up a time to meet via Zoom. During this initial meeting, she listened attentively to the holistic story of my time pursuing a career, not just to my career-related decisions themselves. I vetted several coaches at the time, and the first strength that made Avery stand out is that she is a truly excellent listener. You can trust she will accept everything you say and respectfully meet you where you are in your journey. She will never push her own bias. Secondly, during this initial conversation, Avery pinpointed and offered a unique perspective on a few areas for us to work on. Over the time we spent working together, Avery helped me with so much more than my career. We discovered areas in my life outside of work that she gently suggested we explore. Avery is one of the most compassionate people I have met. She pushed me out of my comfort zone while helping me to feel empowered, safe, and supported. I felt like I was in the 'driver's seat' the whole time with a wise and insightful spiritual guide (who also doubled as my biggest cheerleader) right next to me lighting the way. If you're looking for a coach who will be there for you while you spread your wings and fly, Avery is #1. Your coaching journey itself will transform into a work of art before you know it. I recommend her 10/10." 

Simon, McKay

Managing Director- Business Development, Real Blocks

“Avery's approach to leadership coaching is equal parts analytical left brain and philosophical right brain. She brings these together in a very well thought out analytical framework that uncovers what truly drives and inspires. Via structured exercises and conversations, she brings to life options for paths forward and helps to overcome mental blocks to achievement. Most importantly, Avery's regimented analytical approach combined with her exploratory philosophical approach develops the conviction required to jump!”

Denitresse Ferrell

Executive Coach & CEO, Culture Refinery

“I came to Avery finally ready for change. My challenge: I had no clue what that change should be. The age-old question, “what do you want to be when you grow up” had eluded me for decades. Successful by most measures, I felt I was settling and would never meet my potential if I remained complacent. I also felt guilty for not being satisfied with the amazing opportunities I’d already had. As an experienced coach myself, I understood the power of being connected with the right coach, and sought out Avery.

Avery’s structured approach resonated with me and helped me to finally set a direction for my career with a number of options that had me excited about the future. As a result of our work together, I launched a full time coaching and consulting practice. One of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made has turned into one of the most rewarding adventures of my life. Finally having clarity on what options are and are not for me has created the peace and freedom to design an authentic, purpose filled life.”

Gina des Cognets

Senior Director, Organizational Development, Strava

“Avery's distinctive approach to leadership coaching combines a deep understanding of dynamic, career-oriented individuals with an incredible capacity to listen to and understand a client's unique needs. I met Avery as I was navigating a career pivot filled with excitement and uncertainty. In our first call, she very quickly identified a mindset shift I needed to make to open myself to the range of possibilities that lay before me.

With that new awareness, we moved into several useful, practical approaches to deepen my understanding of my strengths and superpowers, allowing me to craft a compelling narrative about my next chapter. Along the way, Avery helped me to unlock some deeply-grooved mindset patterns in a compassionate and supportive way and helped me to develop an authentic-to-me, meaningful approach to mindfulness that is now part of my daily life.

Our work enabled me to realize my long-held dream to co-found a successful company (Connection 101), and to leapfrog into a role as Director of Leadership & Development at Boston Beer Company, a joyful return to the business world after thirteen years in higher ed administration. I happily utilize my superpowers and strengths at every turn and am surrounded by a team of like-minded, authentic leaders.

Avery brought warmth, compassion, and honesty to our work, and I am grateful to have met her.”