I began my career on Wall Street by cold calling executives from my college dorm room. Armed with a strong work ethic, sheer determination, and a big smile, I worked my way through internships as a runner on the New York Stock Exchange, selling Emerging Markets bonds at Merrill Lynch, and researching the impact of insurance regulation on equity markets at Deutsche Bank. DB offered me a full-time job in London and, upon completion of its graduate training program, I was recruited for a plum spot on the equity hedge fund sales team. Within just a few years I was “in the room.” With a list of top clients, a voice in exclusive internal meetings, client entertaining in the finest locations around the world, and a soaring income, I’d made it by most standards.

However, by that point I’d also travelled a lot, oftentimes backpacking solo to remote locations with very different cultures, and my eyes opened to different ways of living and being. In the Himalayas, I was drawn to Buddhism and non-violence, while at the capitol building in Buenos Aires, I was stunned to witness broad-daylight robbery. In Brazil I was charmed by the people’s relaxed warmth, while in Hong Kong I was taken aback by the population density, pollution, and consumerism. I was unwittingly gathering a database of my likes and dislikes and subconsciously preparing to challenge my direction.



As the years passed, and as my finance career evolved into investing, I became more interested in exploring my internal world. I studied psychology and learned that in order to fully express as a human being, I had to face certain inalienable truths, decide who I wanted to be, and take intentional action to evolve. Embarking on this process, I became increasingly confident in my capacity for self efficacy and discovered that I have a natural talent for guiding others through this same undertaking.

Now I leverage my depth of knowledge across the fields of business, psychology, and mindset to help business leaders achieve both peak performance and fulfillment.